Translation, Languages, Spanish

Ecuador enjoys a wonderfully diverse population. The largest ethnic group is made up of Mestizos while Amerindians are the second largest. The remaining ten percent of the population is a mixture of criollos and Afro-Ecuadorians. When one considers just how diverse the population of this South American country is, it is amazing that they have chosen only Spanish as their official language. Nevertheless this is the case - though there are many other spoken languages that still exist. There are ten native languages that are spoken in this country. These include Quichua, awapit, cha’palchi, paicoca, huaotirio and zaparo. English is the most widely spoken foreign language and you will be able to find English-speaking individuals at most tourist providers.

There are many companies in Ecuador that offer professional translation services. If you are planning to do business in either Ecuador or in another country, this is usually the best option. These companies provide good quality work and speedy service. Most of them have a team of people who work on the same document to ensure that the translation is accurate and without spelling errors. In doing so, they ensure that their work is of the best quality possible. Ecuador translation services are not terribly costly and you can have almost any business, medical or legal documents translated, amongst other things. However, most Ecuador translation companies focus on English to Spanish and Spanish to English translations, so if you were looking for translation to another language you will most likely struggle to find it.

If you need some work translated or would like some assistance whilst visiting this country, you can be sure that you will find a good translator nearby. Remember that many Spanish speaking people consider Ecuador the best country to learn the language. This means that anything you have translated to Spanish in Ecuador will be of the highest quality possible.

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